Saturday, July 30, 2022
$25 per person
Checkin/Registration 9:30AM - 11:30AM
YOU MUST arrive with a valid, state issued, photo ID. You cannot ride without it.
ALL drivers and passengers are required to provide ID.
Start Location
Big Moose Harley-Davidson
End Location
Bentley’s Saloon
1601 Portland Rd
Arundel, ME 04046
Must arrive at end location no later than 1:30PM







Ride t-shirts will be available for purchase at rider check-in/registration, and at the end location. Food available for purchase at end location. All proceeds raised will go to benefit the VFW.
***This ride is drug and alcohol free. Harley-Davidson reserve the right to dismiss anyone suspected of use from participating in this event.***
All proceeds from this ride will go to support Active Duty Military and Veteran Families in need via the
VFW Unmet Needs Program. Unmet Needs is there to help America's military families who have run into
unexpected financial difficulties as a result of deployment or other military-related activity or injury.
The program provides financial aid grants of up to $1,500 to assist with basic life needs in the form of
a grant - not a loan - so no repayment is required. To further ease the burden, we pay the creditor
directly. This donation is tax deductible. No VFW Membership required.
Your Donation will help...
- Prevent military and veteran families from becoming homeless.
- Prevent military and veteran families from going hungry.
- Prevent military and veteran families from losing their utilities.
- Provide financial relief and emergency assistance for medical bills, natural disasters and other needs that may be unforeseen that will help a military or veteran family get back on their feet.
Rider Information
You cannot register under another’s name. Each person participating must register under their own name.